Dec 7, 2023 / 🎄 Find References in text using AI, Custom access templates, Add many entities to Whiteboard

Fibery team is in Slow December mode, but we still have something to release.

:unicorn: Find References in text using AI (experimental)

Fibery can analyze some text and find references in it automatically using AI, so you can create References and process information better. What are use cases?

  • Interviews processing. You may analyze interviews and tag relevant paragraphs.
  • Product feedback processing. For example, you have feedback from Intercom or Discourse and want to link it to some Feature, Product Area or Insight.


  • You should setup OpenAI key and enable AI Search. Then enable this feature in Settings → Experimental Lab. Find References will find only entities from Databases indexed in AI Search.
  • Find References works in all entities with rich text fields, but it does not work in Documents (so far).

:evergreen_tree: Custom access templates (experimental)

When sharing, for example, a Feature, you could always extend access to its Stories and Bugs. However, extending the default access (e.g. Editor) is often either too much (includes a sensitive relation) or not enough (doesn’t go deep enough or ignores many-to-many):

  • when sharing a Task, share Subtasks but not Time Logs;
  • when sharing a Product, share not only Features and Marketing Campaigns, but also Stories and Tasks one level deeper;
  • when sharing a Story, include Depends On and Blocks many-to-many relations.

Custom access templates make all of these use cases possible:

  1. Create a custom access template for a given Database (e.g. Product Manager for a Product).
  2. Specify how exactly the access should be extended down (or up!) the hierarchy.
  3. Now you can share any specific Product (e.g. HAL-9000 or Skynet) using this template with any person in your workspace.

Check out the custom access templates guide for more details.

As with other permissions-related features, the “experimental” status means potential UI glitches and some missing functionality for the one who creates an access template. Applying a template is production-ready, we are not crazy enough (yet?) to crowdsource security audit to beta customers :sweat_smile:.

:fries: Add many entities to Whiteboard (fast)

Now you can add many entities as cards on a whiteboard with a single action based on a filter. For example, you can add all features planned for the next release, all insights in some product area, all tasks assigned to some team.

Find Multi Entity Insert action in Whiteboard panel and try it.

It also works in My Space, so you can experiment with this in your private Whiteboard.

:nail_care: Update Space Page design

Database page was re-designed and there are many small changes here and there, mostly styles, but also general composition of elements. It looks more slick now.

:nerd_face: Don’t require “= true” in Formula conditionals


If(IsEmpty(...) = true, option1, option2)

Zags.Filter(CheckBoxField = TRUE)


If(IsEmpty(...), option1, option2)


:ok_hand: Workspace health status in Help menu

First Slow December unexpected feature. We’ve just introduced Fibery Workspace status tracker, which you can find in the Help menu. This gives you real-time updates on the status of services in your workspace. It’s designed to help you out when you’re dealing with a lot of data and want to avoid any performance issues.

Workspace Status

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Table view: losing the first letter/number when you start editing a cell
  • Table view: ‘Out of order’ appears even if entity is added to correct sorting position. Reproduced for adding via ‘+ New …’ at the bottom
  • Table view: Failure when adding new entities if new table has 2 level hierarchy in setup and there is no entities of the 1st level
  • Export workspace: files added into rich text are missing
  • Redundant [Fibery] in notification email’s subject

This is a really feature packed release, well done!

Now, to just find the time to try out Custom access templates…


Awesome release :star_struck:

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Hi guys,

Is it the lack of coffee this morning or is the ‘configure fields’ option gone in the database?

We use it a lot. Since it’s the only place where we can ‘scan through fields / formulas / automations’ and see at once if a formula got broken for example.

Would be awesome if we can get it back :sweat_smile:

Should be available.

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Glad that it’s the lack of coffee! :grin:

Great release! Happy to have the multi-add functionality on the Whiteboard! :slight_smile:

Y’all are great Grandfathers Frost! :older_man:t2::snowflake::santa: :wink:

Really like this one!

Small bug (?) although I don’t know if it’s worth the fix.

  • I wanted to check the workspace health
  • I had a Fibery tab open
  • There it seemed that the workspace was completely ruined
  • But when you switch to your own workspace, that wasn’t the case


Don’t know if people are actually checking workspace status by accident in Fibery’s workspace. But just wanted to let you guys know :heart:

Publicly shared Fibery workspace is reporting all Okay for me:

Is there a still a problem for you @YvetteLans ?

When I open a public workspace, for example the roadmap board, I still see this currently.

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I have found the issue. It doesn’t work on public workspaces for users who are not entitled to be logged in to the workspace (which is why it was showing OK for me). As soon as I pretended to be someone who is not a registered user on it stopped working.


Holy freaking freak - I have never seen this kind of ability in any software before, and it is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. You guys are awesome. You’re doing the things other companies promised but never delivered on.

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I’m a bit confused about what a “path/level” is in the context of the custom access templates. Could you help explain how they work a little more @mdubakov or @Chr1sG?

We have a lot of many-to-many related entities, so if the entity is set to “view” under one relationship and “view” & “update” under the another, what implications goes that have?

Do “update” permissions simply relate to changing the relationship between entities, or does it cover updating other fields in the entity itself?

Admittingly, I might be getting things confused with entity-level permissions so I appreciate anything you can do to clarify.

This would mean that any entities linked via the first relationship can be viewed but not edited, whereas any entity linked via the second relationship can be viewed and edited.

The permissions relate to the linked entities, not the ability to link them.
However, it’s worth bearing in mind that in order to link two entities together you have to have update capability for one of them (and at least view permission for the other).