Rich text templates for AI prompts, Wiki and other documents

We currently work with templates in Fibery.

  • Templates for entities like to create tasks, projects etc.
  • Templates for rich text fields like ‘add this text to the description’

This works well. But I do have a use case where I really miss the templates for rich text fields and can’t fix it yet.

Content brainstorm
In my current workflow I have

  • An entity for ‘content’
  • A document linked to that entity for ‘brainstorm’

In that way I can work split screen while creating content.

It would be really helpful if I can easily insert text that I often want to use as input for a prompt in a document. Because I can’t link entities, I can’t use my current set-up.


  • I have a large description of my ideal customer. Their pain, needs. How we can solve that for them.
  • For different use cases I have different descriptions because we solve it differently. So for example a use case about PKM, goal setting, CRM, working with a team etc.
  • I often use the same input for a prompt. So the input is ‘my ideal customer’ and the prompt is ‘write outline for a blog post’ or ‘what would be the most interesting content for them to read on LinkedIn’

It would be great if I can insert the text I often use in prompts in a document so that AI always have input about my customer while asking a question during a brainstorm. Would be awesome if that works in an entity as well, although I already have a good workaround for that.

Those rich text templates would also be really useful to create consistent SOP’s, Wiki pages etc.

What if we can include a document as a content block in a document. Like we are now able to include an entity view in a document? Hope it makes sense :sweat_smile: Like Notion blocks. For AI prompts that can be really helpful so you always have the input text you need.