A very common feature is the auto-conversion of URLS to web page title, in rich text fields.
Currently in Fibery:
Internal URL’s in rich text fields only show the ‘mention’ option when the direct link to the page is pasted. However, it does not work when the entity URL is based on two panels (the right panel being the entity). When the left panel is closed, right panel becomes the main and only panel, but the URL does not change, it remains the URL of the dual panel combination. This dual panel URL does not show the ‘mention’ option when pasted in a rich text field, obviously because it points to two different panels (e.g. two entities or a view and an entity).
External URL’s don’t show an option to convert the URL to the title of the webpage. Very often the URLs are so long and complex that its not recognizable what the page is about or what its name is. So a similar feature like the ‘mention’ popup would be great to convert a URL to its metadata web page title.
The iframely fibery feature serves another purpose and therefore I don’t consider a solution: it embeds data served by iframely providers, which is more (and bigger) than just the web page link.
Neither is the the option to lookup the title, then manually type the web page title, and then turning it ito a link; its too work intensive.
It would be great to have this common need solved (fix dual panel URL and mentions and implement external URL conversion to webpage title)
I was going to put in a feature request for dynamic URLs or mentions for URLs and came across this.
I’m surprised there aren’t more votes! (although it could just be all the different ways you can say the same thing).
URLs in Fibery are not as powerful as they are in competing platforms. I can be tedious to have to type text and then turn it into a hyperlink just to avoid a long and unsightly URL. A URL → Page Title that pull in the favicon would be a much better option.
On a related note, would love to see:
Native Google Drive embed support
Dropbox files → Mentions
URLs as buttons in rich text
as other URL improvements.
Coming from ClickUp and Coda you can paste a Google drive url and have the option to turn it into a mention or an embed. This is faster and easier than creating an iframe Block.
Similarly in Notion, so long as you’ve connected notion to your workspace Dropbox urls can turn into mentions or embeds (for certain file types)
Urls as buttons is just a stylistic thing for me, no automations. I wanted to publish a job description with a button at the bottom that said apply that linked to the form.
In general, buttons for navigation are great ux for simple flows.
That said, in Coda buttons can do both hyperlinks and trigger automation and that is a more feature rich experience. They’re the only competitor who can right now.