CHANGELOG: Apr 27 / My Space (official), Convert to-one relation field → to-many relation field

:small_airplane: My Space (official release)

My Space section is visible to you only and hidden from all users (including admins). You can put your Documents, Whiteboards and Views here, organize them in Folders, and do whatever you want with them.

Here are several useful cases:

  • Start and store unfinished documents in My Space section and move them into some public Space later when you are ready to share them.

  • Create several Views that you need and don’t touch other parts of left menu at all.

  • Experiment with Views and learn Fibery safely.

:snail: Convert Field: to-one relation → to-many relation

Now you can convert to-one relations to to-many relations. It’s especially useful on early stages when you are not sure what cardinality you need. Just edit a relation field and change the cardinality of the relation.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Open Reports in panels
  • Workspace Map got some love: better arrows and scroll.

:shrimp: Fixed bugs

  • Android/FF: Header gets cutted on top if you open any view from the bottom of the left menu and refresh the page
  • Automations popup: Layout gets broken on browser resize
  • Units don’t display in collection if entity title is long
  • Navigation: Collapsed views get closed when open new panel in some case
  • Table View: Wrong sorting order value is displayed in drop-down right after selection
  • Firefox: Html tags in entity name if convert it from sticker in some case
  • Bitbucket sync failed with “invalid refresh_token” message
  • Users list: options pop-up jumping when opened at the bottom
  • It’s impossible to generate name using formula for disabled Integrations which where installed from template
  • Calendar View: Actions display vertically and partially hidden in some case
  • Calendar View: New entities can not be added in Calendar view if they have name generation via formula

Fantastic! Have been postponing a redesign pending this feature! Thanks!!