Adding link to a specific record in the root of a space?

I have a Space for each of our teams that includes one smart folder with all of their “Sprint” records and another smart folder with all of their “Client” records.

In the root of the Space, I’d like to link to a specific record of their “Team” entity.

Ideal hierarchy in sidebar:

Team A (Space)

  • Overview (“Team” Record)
  • Sprints (Smart Folder)
    – Sprint 1 (“Sprint” Record)
    – Sprint 2 (“Sprint” Record)
  • Clients (Smart Folder)
    – Client 1 (“Client” Record)
    – Client 2 (“Client” Record)

Is this possible? Or do I need to essentially hack it by embedding the entity I want into a doc?

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This would be super useful. I always thought out it as the ability to create “shortcuts” in the menu to specific entities. I am hoping this isn’t a huge underaking since you can already do something like this with the favourites feature.

One way to hack this is to create a smart folder and then just filter it so only the entity you want shows up. Not really the cleanest method!

Yes, I almost wrote that myself.

We are having some discussions internally about the left menu, so there may be some improvements coming at some point in 2024, and we will keep such a use case in mind.

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Do these Spaces include DBs or do you use the Spaces exclusively for organizing the left menu?

@Chr1sG this is great to hear. As long as this is under consideration, I would like to request that you not only able to create shortcuts to individual entities but also views, documents and whiteboards. I sometimes need to have the same view available in multiple places in a workspace and find it a real pain to keep them all consistent. Being able to create the view once and just shortcut/symlink to it in the left menu would really help :slight_smile:

I only have 2 spaces with DBs. One called “Hubspot” that contains the handful of databases/objects we sync from Hubspot and one called “Fibery” that contains 20+ databases. Maybe it’s because I don’t know enough to know better, but having databases spread out across a lot of different spaces makes things very messy and confusing for us (especially when trying to manage automations) so we keep them all together.

To actually answer your question though, I always hide the 2 spaces with DBs because I don’t want people touching them and end up creating a bunch of new spaces for organizing everything in the left menu (clients, sprints, teams, etc)

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Gotcha, thanks!
We’ll experiment with the sidebar organization in the next couple of months — I’ll knock on your door for feedback once we have something to try :slight_smile:

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Awesome, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Have you tried the experimental Smart Sections? They look like a natural solution for this case.


I did try them but actually just changed everything back to regular spaces a few days ago because it didn’t make sense to have a smart section but not be able to hide the overall “spaces” section.

The sidebar is a complete mess and I’m always questioning why I have such a hard time wrapping by head around it. I see it as a way to navigate Fibery at a high level, so when it gets cluttered with old views and multiple paths to the same entity, I get overwhelmed.

I think it’s because so much else in Fibery is customizable but we’re forced to always see Favorites, My Space, Spaces and People. Smart Sections are great in theory, but they don’t help with keeping things simple and clean.

If “Favorites” was invisible unless something was actually favorited, that would help.
If “My Space” was invisible unless something was actually saved/sent there, that would help.
If “Spaces” were setup/accessed via a settings page (like ClickUp) and only folders/smart sections were displayed in the sidebar, that would help me and my team at least.
“People/Users” should be in the settings and not be in the sidebar alongside everything else.

How would you create a document in My Space is it was hidden unless something was there?
I mean, are you suggesting that you create in a normal space, then choose Copy to My Space, and then delete the original? Or do you think it should be possible to directly move from normal spaces to My Space?

Given that the Users database behaves in so many ways like a normal db, it would seem odd to me that it wouldn’t show up in the same place where other dbs live.
IMHO I would prefer if the UX/UI for the People ‘space’ became more similar to other spaces, rather than emphasising the difference by moving it to Settings.

I would never create a doc in the “my space” section of the sidebar, but maybe I’m in the minority. We just don’t use docs at all because they don’t seem to make sense with the rest of how fibery works…they should really be their own entities in their own database that gets linked to from all other relevant databases. Similar issues apply to whiteboards and files as well. I feel super strongly that Whiteboards should just be a view of a database where each box on the canvas is just an entity.

Sure, I get that and I agree in theory, but is Users a space or is it a database? My issue is that it’s omnipresent as People (space?) in the left sidebar and then when you click it it the “Users” (database?) already looks more like a settings page than I traditional database, hence my suggestion to move/hide it in the global settings like pretty much every other SaaS product out there. If I could move the User database away from People to another space so it could be more easily hidden, that would be great too, I just don’t want anyone on my team to see it in their sidebar.

So how would you create a data view (table, board, list, etc.) in My Space?

Users is a database in the People ‘space’.
Currently, it is the only database in the People space.

yep, the Users database looks like a settings page, hence my suggestion to make it look more like a database (not make it even more different/separated from other dbs)

We plan on making it possible to control who has access to the User database in the same way as it is possible to control who has access to other databases.
In that sense, I think we are aligned about the ideal functionality (control who can see it/edit it) but we disagree on how to achieve it - you think it should be hidden away in settings, I think it should be managed like any other db (including permissions to view/edit) so it is hidden for some and visible for others.

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For our clients it would be very helpful is a user / team member could see all items they have access to on the people page for example. So that they have all entities in one place.

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We might be in the minority here, but no one at our organization uses my space at all which is why we’d like the option to hide/suppress it.

We’re aligned that that users should be treated like any other database. So if that functionality is coming at some point, awesome! My only request is that would include (again, just like every other database) the ability to move Users to another space instead of forcing it to live under “People”.

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