April 6, 2023 / Relation filters, breadcrumbs in search, back-references in Documents

I appreciate you responding to my question! We too have the exact same situation, many types of tasks, but we have named them as such - there would be in our case an “inventory task” and a “project task” since there were no breadcrumbs up to date so that was a way, aside from the icon and color, to distinguish between them.

And to your point @rawkode here:

I’m aware of several discussions around breadcrumbs, but not that they were needed in the search results. And I can see the greater need for docs and views, which can’t get color-coded the way entities can.

The more I look at this, I think that when I see entities with the breadcrumb below that, that actually includes the entity name, that is the real part of this I have the issue with. I have never seen an implementation of any breadcrumb that includes the item itself in the breadcrumb hierarchy. If this were a tool like Wrike or Asana where your atomic entity was a “task” or something that could live anywhere (which is the case with Docs and Views), then yes 100% you’d need breadcrumbs. But entities by definition can only live in one place in Fibery. So something like leaving entities in the search results as a line item, but adding the context to Views/Docs, would still save a lot of screen real estate. We already have a snippet showing in search results for keywords from rich text boxes when you search for them, but up till now individual entities were shown as line items. Reverting back to that I think would be a great solution, but I guess I’m in the minority, so I’ll have to live with losing screen real estate!

I still think my idea a few posts up to add the breadcrumb on the right to save real estate would be worth exploring. In fact it appears the Fibery team was also thinking about the issue I’m discussing, this is from the public roadmap:

And I will add since there is a comparison to Notion here, the need in Notion is greater since you don’t have the color coding and other benefits of DB’s in Fibery, note in the Notion implementation the actual name of the entity/doc isn’t included in the breadcrumb, which is one of the issues with me with the logic around having a breadcrumb for entities. In fact the way DB’s are set up in Fibery is a big reason I’m here and not in Notion, they are vastly superior!

Not the first time I’ve been disappointed with a screen real estate issue - I still hope someday I’ll get a response to this issue about when I declared losing the ability to expand entities across a big monitor
