Amplenote task scoring prioritisation technique in Fibery

Inspired by Amplenote task scoring system I to replicated the same system in Fibery.

There are 4 key components here:

  • Task scoring system
    • New task score starts with 1
    • Priority
      • Important + 0.6
      • Urgent + 3
    • Task Duration
      • 15 min + 2
      • 30 min + 1
      • 60 min + 0.5
      • 90 min + 0.5
    • Due date
      • Today + 10
      • Tomorrow + 2
    • Task score accumulation
        • Urgent 11 * number of days
        • 15 minutes 8 * number of days
        • marked important 6 * number of days
        • 30 minutes 5 * number of days
        • 60 minutes 3 * number of days
        • no properties * 1.5
        • weighted by diving resulting number by 4 to avoid overblowing importance of this metric

Task score accumulation is still something that requires some play around with numbers but I’m pretty happy with the result at the moment. I would say task score accumulation is actually the most important feature for me as it really helps to avoid creating infinite tasks lists, old tasks will always pop up on top of the list and will require to be dealt with.

Would love to get some feedback on the app if you have found it useful.

I’ll spawn off some feature requests from this app as formulas got quite complex at the end and cumbersome to edit.


One thing to mention if you want to use this for your own needs, make sure to adjust magic Today() +/- 15 number. It’s workaround until fibery adds proper timezone support :[

@tpaktop Is there any chance you can share your formula for calculating the task score? I think there was an image but that is now missing. Also the app you shared is no longer available. Many thanks :slight_smile:

Ah it could be recently introduced fibery cleaning task force that got rid of the app. Let me see if I can find it.

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Thanks for looking into it. Even if you can share what your formulation was, that would be amazing. I have created all the fields and setup a formula but not sure how to properly calculate the task score.

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Here is the new link. Not sure why it stopped sharing should be working now.

The task score formula:

(((((((1 + Priority.[Priority Score]) + If([Target Duration].Name = "15",3,0)) + If([Target Duration].Name = "30",1,0)) + If([Target Duration].Name = "60",0.5,0)) + If([Target Duration].Name = "90+",0.5,0)) + Accumulated) + [Due Date Ticker]) * If(Projects.Priority.Name = "Low",0.5,If(Projects.Priority.Name = "Medium",1,If(Projects.Priority.Name = "High",2,1)))

If I would redo it I would probably split this formula into couple separate fields, especially with upcoming changes to entity view it would make it way easier to read.


Thanks again for sharing. There are lots of interesting ideas in your app :star_struck: