After all these apps like Notion, Asana and ClickUp

…I am finally here. And I have to say I like it.

I am quite new, just made an account and I am still in my trial.
But I can already say, that I really like what I see.

I was extensively searching for an application like Fibery for the last month and made my stops at Notion, Asana and ClickUp. These tools are quite easy to manage, but did not convince me in the end, as they all have their flaws that put a stop to my efforts.

I think there is no such thing like a perfect app that does it all, but Fibery is quite close and it is so performant. Also, it is very easy to understand BUT:

I am not that used to databases, so I have questions on the best approach to manage / separate my personal tasks. I will use Fibery for more than just task management, but here I want to particularly ask about Task management hierarchy.

I can separate my tasks into two categories: personal and commercial. These themselves can each be separated into sub fields, for example: personal general tasks, personal tasks in my appartement, personal tasks regarding my computer, etc. you get the point, and it is the same for commercial stuff.

So what approach has which advantages:

  1. Make one single space called “Tasks” and create one db in which I use tags for the separation of personal and commercial tasks and use sub tags to separate them further. This would mean, I need to filter everything what I need to see. I do not yet know if there are custom filtering templates.

  2. Make one single space and two db’s, one personal and one commercial. If I do this, can I still bring them all together in one single (for example) calendar view or reports view?

  3. Make two separate spaces, each with its own tasks db and its own views. But can I then still bring all data together in a combined view?

  • What would be the most intelligent approach on this?
  • What are the advantages disadvantages of these concepts?
  • Do you have other valuable concepts in mind how to approach this?

Thank you very much in advance!
I am happy to be part of your community.



Questions to ask are as follows:

  • to what extent are the properties of the different task types similar and to what extent are they different? If tasks (personal or commercial, apartment or computer) tend to have mostly the same characteristics (due date, assignee, effort) then it usually makes sense to store them in the same db.
    If they are significantly different, e.g. commercial tasks will be linked to clients, and contracts whereas personal tasks will be tagged with development goals, then maybe they need to go in different dbs, or you will end up with a load of tasks where only half of the fields are being used in any one situation. (side note here - we will soon be rolling out ‘multiple entity views’ which may make this less painful)

If you choose the former, then you would typically create multiple views, each with specific filters to limit what subset of the database you are viewing, i.e.

If you choose the latter, then you can still combine tasks from different dbs in a single view, if/when that makes sense, i.e.

If they are in separate databases, the choice of putting them in the same space or not is largely only relevant when it comes to permissions and access.
For that topic, I would suggest reading these topics:

You will likely want to start by having a space for databases which you want to share by default and a space for databases where you want privacy by default.


Dear Chris,

this was valuable info. I could implement these rules successfully.

In my case, as I use Fibery mainly as an automated task management, ideas and knowledge base for now, I will not have shared spaces. But who knows what is coming up in future, so thanks a lot.

I placed all data in a single database. This was also helpful because I implemented some automations that send messages when tasks have certain conditions.

I am all nerded out now, haha! :sweat_smile:
Who knew that I could find an interest in databases.

Thank you very much for your support!
All-in for Fibery.


Welcome Robin! Hope you have landed on the right tool for you! I couldn’t agree more with what you are writing, thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much for the warm welcome!

As far as I got my grip on Fibery right now, I see that this application builds on clear design principles:

  1. Performant
  2. Clearly and unmistakably structured.
  3. Highly customizable

When comparing it to apps like Notion, Asana, and ClickUp, you never know exactly what the underlying structure is. Is the source a document, is it a database or some other esoteric entity. As a (hobby) programmer myself, I think that is one of the exact reasons why such web apps get slow as soon as you a bit more data into it.

I know that Fibery market themselves as a no-code / project / task / business automation tool and that is good to get customers. But actually this is “just” a well designed window to a database with a highly functional interface to manipulate this data. I can always see where my data is based and the navigation is always clear and fluent.

I see, this community is still quite small for such a great product. I don’t normally partake, but as I searched for such tool for years now and nearly resigned thinking that such thing does not exist, finding Fibery really brought me joy. Sorry for the euphoria, but I think a lot of you can relate.

There are some flaws I already recognized, but nothing major right now. I will make a deep dive into Fiberys functions, to know how it works, so that I can give a feedback based on facts. :wink: Right now I think, that Fibery is the one app that should dominate the bloated branch of this type of software.

When I got better grips on it, I may share help and content, when I create something useful with it. Maybe we can find some nice JavaScript stuff that is useful to extend functionality.


Indeed, please do. Fibery is always improving thanks to user feedback.