Adding read-only database to calendar view makes the entire view read-only

I’ve added Google Calendar integration and added the Event database to an existing calendar view. I’ve noticed that with the Event database added, I am no longer able to create other entities. I understand that the Event database would not allow for new entities to be created as it is a one-way sync. However, that shouldn’t prevent creation of other entities. Am I doing something wrong or is this an actual bug/limitation?

I’ve verified that adding a read-only database to calendar view seems to disable addition of all items via that view (even databases that are not read-only). This restriction doesn’t seem to apply to other types of views (list or tables) based on my testing.

Assume this is a bug rather than a feature. It would be great if someone else could also confirm.

related: Calendar with combined Fibery and Google calendar, loses the plus button on each calendar square - Bugs & Issues - Fibery Community

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Thanks @Yuri_BC . I thought I had searched the forum thoroughly before posting. I guess this is an outstanding problem without a solution :frowning:

I don’t have the ability to combine threads anymore but I guess that would make sense.