Yes, I think in general some of the more sophisticated handling of status and linking that I thought might be more on the roadmap when I created this post has become less of a priority in Fibery in favor of perhaps a more open design relying on automations or formula, and recently the interesting add of the Quick Filters. Here is more from that Clickup description explaining where “done” and not “closed” is used, that include some, but not all, of what would be useful to me:
You see here mention of Dependency Tracking (+ Gantt chart) which is something I would find useful as well. Right now I think the search functionality around “done” items is very basic, we have now grayed out completed items, but otherwise I think search is lacking. For example you can’t filter by creator, some of what you described in your Filter search results based on Field Values post remains missing, too. Or just Comments or Documents Filter in search.
With some build-out of those features I think multiple closed states would be logical and I could use them. Again to repeat my use case, I have a ton of stuff tracked in Fibery - vendors, equipment, company pillars, various work (tasks etc.) and some of these are going to have different behavior when “closed.” Finished work might need to be archived or otherwise not show up in search, whereas physical things I’m tracking like a law firm I’m currently using I’d like to have in a “final” state but one that keeps that entity more visible in my workspace.
Again this is surely a small item but something I’d find useful and is something I’ve seen in other apps that I’d live to have here.
Thanks and good to hear from you @Oshyan !