We've improved Docs greatly this year. Do you still REALLY miss something?

Thanks a lot, Fibery team, the documents have gotten MUCH better already indeed!

Refinements already mentioned in this thread, sorted by my priority:

  1. Transclusions
  2. Export as single-page PDF → my workaround is export MD and then use Marked 2 to generate PDF. But obviously that’s a pain…
  3. Collaboration on a single doc without login

Refinements not mentioned here, as per my priority:

  1. Third width option (see below): There is right now only narrow and full screen. On bigger screens neither options are good as you see below. I would love to have an in-between option with about max-width as 100rem (ca. 1600px). This will work great for tables, which I’m a fan of.
  2. Copy content with comments looses comment: If copying text in a document that has inline comments, these comments get lost. That’s really bad. Not sure how easy that’s to fix tho.
  3. Text table improvements: Admittedly, I’m a big fan of tables, and thus I find the limited inline tables very annoying:
    1. Adding new rows required the use of the mouse, grrrrrrrrrrrrr
    2. A nice default header style (current workaround is Mark cell and Bold on every table. With a nice header, it can also be made sticky. Obviously I should have Header rows and columns…
    3. Give a cell a colour background
    4. Better resizing behaviour: For one, I can make the table wider than the page column, in which case I get a scroll bar. Bringing it back to column width is hard. Your image embeds have actually solved that nicely as they snap to column width. Two, by default, it’s the last column that expands… Confluence does this nicely by scaling based on content (I suspect that’s a default HTML behaviour actually).


And here the pictures on my problem with the two page widths—admittedly not the best examples, but I think you can see how these things become an issue:

