Webhook Action in Automations

I hope this becomes an automation/button action.
It would increase the usability/flexibility of Fibery for low-code users if there was a UI that builds an API call similar to Zapier and Make.

Do you mean that you want to be able to access the http call functionality via a dedicated GUI rather than via a script?

Yes, sort of like a form. I’ve included a screenshot from make to meet the character minimum for a response.


+1 for easier http call/webhook emit UI.


100% to all of these mentioned. We do the same.

I think POST to webook would be at the top of the list.

We should be able to trigger a webhook and send some or ALL entity data to the webhook.

This is a big missing piece to Fibery actions. We make due with scripts but it is annoying to have to create an entire script just use a button or rule action.

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I’m looking to loop external softwares into actions taken within Fibery. For example, whenever an automation is triggered or a button pressed, I’d want to be able to emit a network call to a specific endpoint, and include query param and body data, pulled dynamically from the entity that triggered the automation (or table which owns the button). Is this possible, currently? It would let me use other services like Make or N8N for very complex automation workflows, based on events from within Fibery.


@helloitse @carson @Illusory We are considering this feature, but wonder it will be no easier to setup than with Scripts. Can you share your use cases how you use it now and how you would like to have it in Fibery?

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  1. Ability to trigger webhook from button or rule and send selected fields as body. Using Fibery UI would be easier than using scripts; in which you have to map fields to variables and formulate a httpPost.

  2. Set POST header. Env variables would be great for auth header, since currently we have to expose auth values in script.

  3. Automatically send Fibery UUID (so that the external client can know where it came from and potentially update it when it is complete) and provide Fibery URL in body as well.

We use many POST scripts to control hardware, update external database or 3rd party apps and/or trigger further automations after posting to our API and running a workflow.

Though we love coding, it would make building functions/actions in Fibery much easier and faster.

If GET methods are being considered as well, then being able to call an external endpoint and retrieve data that can populate Fibery fields would be awesome as well.


Update: With the new Automations in the Script AI Assistant, my previous point is somewhat diluted (at least for technical users who feel comfortable with scripting env). However, there may be an opportunity to encourage Free Plan users to upgrade to the Pro Plan by limiting Script AI Assistant usage on Free Plans. If Fibery’s UI supports webhook triggers, advanced users might use Scripts for webhook-related tasks where the UI falls short. In this case, providing access to the AI Script Assistant would simplify these advanced use cases and is another incentive to upgrade to paid plans.

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I find a UI 2 to 3X easier than a script depending on the context:

  1. UI builders make it easier to create things for non-technical clients or team members to take ownership of.
  2. reduce the time cost of deploying an integration
  3. assuming the UI can take field inputs using existing formula language, avoiding having to call each field into the script individually.
  4. although in my screenshot, I’ve included the JSON payload as text, Make, Zapier, and Coda - via packs, have a dedicated UI to build the Headers, Query, and Body. This is a major value proposition when I want to work quickly and prototype. I often defer to the UI builders when establishing a connection or sending a test call.

A note on the target audience: I do consider Fibery low-code not necessarily no-code. A UI builder for actions like external calls moves the needle closer to no-code.

Current use case examples:

  • A webhook action at the end of an automation that creates an encoded Calendly URL to send this info back to HubSpot
  • Using an external API to turn address fields into Long and Lat for Fibery address fields type
  • Querying a simple API whose outputs don’t require reshaping/transformation like getting the postal code for an address
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Just joined Fibery yesterday, and I am super impressed on how much more it has to offer compared to ClickUp.

I love the ability to execute JS, though for easy quick setup, having a simple webhook action where we can paste the URL together with variables (e.g. [UUID], [TaskName], etc.) that can be sent in the URL parameter would be awesome.

That’s just one thing I’ve noticed as a new user. It’s obviously not a problem to set that up with JS, but it feels cleaner (and easier) to have a dedicated action.

Thank you!


We have this feature in our backlog, but recently we added AI to scripts, so you can ask AI to write a webhook and in general it works good, so now we are not sure we will jump into this specific action. I linked your feedback to this feature.

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