Some Grouping and organization of left menu when Entities have "show all types..." turned on

Hey guys,

This may be obvious, but I wanted to suggest some features around organizing the left menu when you start to turn on this function:

I am using this to represent projects, customers, meetings and various other things that will grow. It seems when I open an entity of one of those types, the entire app with all of the other entities will pop open, and I get a pretty long list of entities showing. This forces me to scroll a lot to get back to other apps.

Have you guys thought about some grouping or collapsing that would be available to keep this a bit neater?

Also I just wanted to mention again a related request I have that has to do with navigating around the left menu:

To reiterate, I would love to be able to see at a glance all entities in a Type very frequently when using an App. I know the default is to create a table with them, but at times I don’t have use of the table and would rather delete it. I think if you could have on the App page itself a kind of “feed” or list of all entities in that app, for example, that would be terrific.

Thanks guys and hope this is useful!

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Yeah, we already faced this problem and have a few plans for how to solve it. Although none of them is perfect, we still have some plans in our Roadmap.
We want to implement Smartfolders for this, but unfortunately I can’t tell any development terms. Not because it is a big secret, just cos currently we are not sure ourselves)))) :woman_juggling:


Hi Polina,

Great, thank you for that and good to know you guys have plans around this!


Needing this as well… maybe to have the option to create an folder for those entities?

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