Performance impact of relations on Database page

Hi, I see that when a 1:n/n:1/n:m relation is created, automatically both the referenced tables are added a new column where all the referenced values are displayed - I presume under the hood it is the result of a join between the target/source table and the relation table.
In the case of a high cardinality (e.g. a table of articles related to a table of tags where the number of articles of a tag can be thousands so the field of the tags table can hold a very large number of pointers to the article table), displaying all the values might be a performance issue and a visualization issue (how thousands of values could fit in a cell?) and it is also not useful since if we want to filter the article list by a tag we can define a view or setup a filter.
I know that in views these fields holding the relation shoud not be displayed and that in entity form they should be hidden, but in the Database page they show up with potentially a lot of values. Does it mean that the page of the Tags Database will be more and more slow as new articles are created (since a tag will be referenced by a growing numbr of articles) or there is a “trick” so that above a certain number of references, the UI does not load remaining records and the page remain usable?
Thanks a lot


cells will only show a limited number of entities, even if there are thousands in the collection

You shouldn’t need to worry about slowing of the database view, even with many collection fields. If you do experience slowness, let us know an we’ll look into it.