Milstone View(maybe derived from timeline view)

The milestone in Timeline View should display with another database as items.

Is it possible to include a Milestone View similar to Timeline View? This will allow me to release the Milestone View to project members as the main plan for the project.

Can you clarify what you want to achieve? It is not clear so far

I’m sorry, I didn’t express my request clearly.
What I meant is:
A database named Milestone, I want Milestone to be presented separately. For example, the Milstones contain when Phase 1 starts, when Phase 2 starts, when the product design should be completed.Then, the Milestone plan view can be released to the project team members.

Currently, the timeline view can add milestones, but the display of milestones is too subtle and must be added with an Item as an entity view.

In summary:

  1. A Milestone view can clearly display all Milestones
  2. The Milestone view can only display Milestones, that is I can choose not to display other Entities.

Why not simply creating a view with just the milestones and sorting them by date? (List, Board, Etc.?)

Can you explain what you mean by


What I want the milestone view is as follows.

“the display of milestones is too subtle” means the milestones in the timeline view cannot show together, and cannot show label on them.

“must be added with an Item as an entity view” means I cannot only add a MILESTONE without adding a database to ITEMS button.

I am not sure I am following. Milestone IS a database itself.

So you want a timeline view with just milestones, no other cards, right?

and you want to see what each of them represents without having to hover over them individually, right?

So you want a timeline view with just milestones, no other cards, right?
and you want to see what each of them represents without having to hover over them individually, right?
Yes and yes, thanks for your translation :laughing:

Chr1sG translated my request well.