Login as Other User to see how their Permissions Look

In using Fibery to replace as many apps as possible - say 7 or more as @mdubakov has suggested, this would imply that you are including an expanded group of users, and the need to be careful about permissions would be greater. I have used some apps that give Admins the ability to “log in as another users” and test to see how permissions look, what that user can “see,” and so forth.

I think this would be particularly useful in Fibery, in particular with all the varied linking we have. I have often wondered about how much I’m linking is 100% only viewable to parts of my team, and not, for example, remote contractors who we utilize - and I’m sure many Product Teams use this type of resource too.

I would not call this a huge priority, but it would be useful down the road I’m sure to many others besides myself who want to have a good sense of how the permissions they’ve set up actually look “in real life.”


We are going to solve this problem differently in the future. When Admin navigates to a User, she should see all Apps/Types/Entities the user has access to and what exactly access.


Great Michael that you guys have thought about this, what you suggest I think is a good solution!


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I wanted to bump this up again, on the hope that over the last 2 yrs since I posted originally there may be some others with this need. One particular reason it would be key in Fibery is the access to different db’s across an instance. At times I’d like to be sure that in a comment I make where I reference a db that is not accessed by certain users I have, for example contractors. As a Fibery instance grows, and the users using it as well, I think this would be particularly useful as a quick way to see who can see what. Clearly Atlassian thought its admins could use it as it’s a key feature that was built into Jira!
