June 29, 2023 / ↔ Resize Views blocks and make it wide, emoji improvements

We’ve announced a roadmap till the end of the year, check it out.

↔ Resize View block (and make it wide in narrow doc mode)

Previously, it was only feasible to include Views within documents and rich edit fields, but adjusting the width and height of these views was not an option. Now, you have the ability to set any desired width and height for inserted views, enabling a more seamless integration of views and text.

Furthermore, views can now surpass the width of the text section in a document. This feature is particularly valuable for reports, whiteboards, and other wider views.

2023-06-29 14.23.15

:butterfly: Improvements

  • New emoji-icon-color picker is used to choose things for Single- and Multi-Select fields.
  • Our emoji picker used pretty old dataset for emojis (v5) so many emojis were missed. We’ve updated it to v14.
  • Default OpenAI model changed to gpt-3.5-turbo-16k
  • ClickUp Import: Include Closed filter is hidden from UI when Task type is unselected.
  • Some icons where changed here and there.


:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Inline code formatting is not applied after Shift+Enter
  • No suggestion to create an Entity if search finds nothing
  • Loom: shared links don’t embed anymore
  • Endless loader in State field if rename DB
  • Selected icon is not shown for relation /embedded views in collapsed mode, neither in the views list, nor in view title
  • In Dark Mode when moving the files in the field, the separation line is not visible
  • Unexpected search results for ‘object’ query.
  • Error on deleting nested view if it has icon in title

Awesome :star_struck::star_struck: we embed views a lot! So this is really nice :partying_face::partying_face:

I like it :partying_face:


How did I miss this announcement?!? Thanks for the neat refinements!

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