Initial Field Values on Form - Hidden relation field not linked


I have a Task database where I created a 1-n relation with a database Feedbacks. On the Feedbacks database I created a Form and hidden the relation field (Task). I tried to customize the URL to pre-fill the Form so the feedback is related to a specific task.

If the relation field is hidden on the form, when the end-user submit the form, the entity is not linked to the task. If the relation field is shown on the form, the task is correctly pre-filled and when the form is submitted, the entity is correctly linked to the task.

Is it a bug or I’m I missing something ? I didn’t find any information about that.

Thanks for your help.


Did you read this:

Yes, I followed this example :


As mentioned, it works if the field is not hidden on the form.

(Allow to set hidden fields via URL is active)

I tested this functionality and it behaved as expected for me.
Perhaps you can record a video and upload it here so that we can see what’s happening.