Thanks, @Chr1sG – I appreciate this.
On the last: yeah, that is definitely related! I commented there also, and made a link to my initial enquiry, all of which describes the motivational context and relevant work flow / scenario in which my problem arises.
I took from those discussion that there is, as you say here again, no way to represent the fact that something is placed / ‘visualized’ in a view, or as in my case on a whiteboard in particular.
So, I am aware of that context, and have initiated a likewise (more conceptual) discussion, in which you also have kindly contributed!
This, therefore, was / is the attempt to find a workaround, given the strong ‘under the hood’ capabilities of Fibery – and my restricted coding versatility. So I was / am hoping something is there in the collective community intelligence
Now on what you saying in particular:
It would be awesome if the devs find a way to make things for whiteboards as for documents!
The whole discussion (the one you reference; my inquiry thread), I would say, is exactly around this question as one of the central ones: aren´t whiteboards (and other kinds of more visual & schematic ‘scratch’ documents) nowadays increasingly just that in more and more institutional contexts: documents on par w/ traditional text-documents and places where ‘stuff is done’?
… but here I wanted to leave those principal discussions aside, as there are other places for that; here I was primarily looking out for a practical solution (sideways solution, hack etc.).
Again, appreciate your attention for this. And look forward to get the take of the devs!