I love this update! We have lots of departments and roles that can utilize this easily.
One thing I’m trying now (and can’t quite figure out) is how to automate this sharing. From our Doc database, some documents are meant to be shared with everyone in the workspace once the state field is moved to “Published”. For these kinds of files, I want to give everyone Commenter access. My impression is that I need to use scripting, but I don’t know how to call the “access” property in Javascript, and the AI assistant in the Fibery User Guide also doesn’t seem to know. Is this possible?
As of now, there is no “authorized” way to provide access using Rules, even with scripts. This is somewhat intentional since sharing might be an expensive operation: think thousands of entities affected + dozens of users receiving access + access extended several levels down the hierarchy.
However, I’m pretty sure we can think of a solution, even a (semi-)automatic one. I have a few questions to guide us:
Let me double-check: By some, do you mean all the Docs in the Published
state, or is there an additional filter?
Also, roughly, how many Docs did you publish last week?
Yes, I mean all the Docs that are moved into the Published
state. I’m imagining a trigger like “When the state of a Doc is updated where state is Published
”. We use the Published
state to make Docs appear in our “Files” space that we use with all our employees to organize and allow for employees to find them easily. The Docs database is stored in a separate space so that some docs can remain hidden.
I don’t imagine this happening very often. We didn’t have any published docs last week, and we currently have 180 Published
Docs. This is only for internal reference for our employees, so there shouldn’t need to be new publishable Docs being made that frequently. That would mean our standard operating procedures going through extreme changes all the time!
That being said, I can see how this could quickly grow in number. I’m very open to other ways of accomplishing this.
Your scenario is perfectly innocent, and a Rule would be the most natural solution indeed.
In the absence of the Rule, an alternative way would be to use an actual Database for Doc States instead of the Workflow Field. In this case, you’ll be able to share Published
Entity with everyone using Commenter
access template, extending access to all the Docs linked to the Doc State.
However, if the issue is not pressing to you, I’d recommend waiting for a few weeks until we introduce automatic access for Groups, similar to automatic access via People Fields. It’ll unlock a less intrusive workaround with automatically linking an auxiliary Everyone
Group once a Doc is published.
This is not a pressing issue, so we can wait. If I’m understanding the new functionality, this will work like the “Everyone” option when sharing a Space, correct? If so, that will certainly satisfy our use case.
This will be something different. We’ll come back to you and describe the new workaround as soon as it’s available 
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