@mdubakov - Allow me to explain my hopeful plan for our company’s use of Fibery – and ask if there could be flexibility in the current pricing model to accommodate our needs, which are probably shared by many potential FIbery customers:
My team develops websites and marketing materials for our clients. We have a couple different types of projects (brochures, websites) that both involve many rounds of content drafts and approval processes with the client during weekly virtual meetings; keeping track of many pages and files for each project, what state they are in, their history, etc. And Meeting Notes - very important to integrate with everything else.
Internally we use Asana, Skype, and Google Workspace (Docs & Sheets & Drive & Gmail). Clients collaborate with us through the Google Workspace products. A client usually has more than one individual on their team.
My team is about 16 members and growing, and I fervently hope to eventually include our entire company in our "Integrated Organizational Intelligence Augmentation System"™ .
Right now we serve about 80 active clients, but we are growing fast with plans to reach 1000 in two years. Ideally I could invite each client to participate with us more deeply in our processes – i.e., directly in their Fibery project space, with the ability to interact with their Documents, Tasks, Meeting notes, views, etc.
With Fibery’s current pricing I could get approval for maybe 20 seats for my team – but not an additional seat for each client.
Probably, for most clients, a single additional, dedicated Fibery user would work if Fibery allows multiple simultaneous logins for one user.
So my need is for a flexible Fibery pricing plan that allows for additional “lite users”. These users would only have access to specific limited functionality that we could tailor for each, i.e.:
- a project dashboard
- some tweakable reports
- some custom views for entities related to their project (e.g. Tasks, Meeting Notes)
- ability to see some limited (customized) entity views for certain Types (e.g. Tasks), where some fields are read-only and some are hidden
- ability to collaboratively edit some Rich Text fields in the entities, and docs
- all access is excluded where not explicitly granted
I sincerely hope this can happen!
P.S. My timeline is 6-9 months.