When you share the view, the default quick filters will apply. Is this what you are looking for, or would you like to share specific filter settings (differnet from the default) including personal filters?
Showing or hiding the quick filter buttons is out of the scope. We would collect more feedback on this feature first.
I want this filter in a table, a list or tables with further filters (for some teams).
Also when I start a new project (space) I want to use the same filter. A solution like airtable were you copy colors and filters would be super useful.
Same for colors, I need to create the same manually between views or new projects.
This looks great!! I’m really excited for this feature. My only concern was covered by the roadmap description “…and the default value of the pin is OFF”. The video shows the default as ON, but I’m hoping that is only for the creator? And then default OFF for everyone else? I really hope this is the case.
I understand this is not in the initial scope. But add my vote to figuring out a way to add them eventually. We use a lot of context/relation views and I would love this.
I believe that part of the description is misleading or simply incorrect. There is no default value. The creator will decide what the default value should be. A disabled pinned filter becomes a Quick filter, which is turned OFF by default. I hope this is an expected behabour.
I will correct the description right away.
Thank you for reading through it.
This looks great. I absolutely love Jira’s quick filters and this would really cut down on Views and make it easier for me to work in Fibery. Looking at the design it seems a bit similar to how it works in Jira, but I’m unsure if I correctly understand the design.
Given my examples and statements below, is my understanding correct?
“Base filter”
As a creator, I have set up a View of showing Tasks that I put some “base” filter on (=filters that is not “pinned” in the Filter Pop-up):
Task Status is Next Up, In Progress
Team is TeamA
So essentially the “base filter” is what we have today. Then if I add and apply Quick-filters, their conditions will apply onto this “base” and only filter i.e. “remove” Tasks from the base filter. I can only have a single “Base filter” per View, as today.
I add these Quick-filters by creating these filters and Pinning+naming them:
A Named filter “TeamB”
Team is TeamB
B Named filter: “Sara”
Task assignee contains any of: Sara
C Named filter “Peter”:
Task assignee contains any of: Peter
D Named filter “Prio”:
Task priority is High
E Named filter: “My upcoming”
Task assignee contains Me
Due date is within the next week OR Due date is within the past week
Given this base and quick filters, this is the behavior I would get - ?
By default since I have not applied any Quick-filter, all Quick-filters are OFF on my first visit.
If multiple filters are ON, each Quick-filter’s condition will be joined with an AND between them
Quick-filter “Team B” ON will be useless, since base filter is already filtering Team is TeamA. My mistake, I should just remove it
Quick-filter “Sara” ON and “Prio” ON will show only tasks where Sara is in the assignee field and of those, only the ones that have prio High
Quick-filter “Sara” ON and “Magnus” ON will only show tasks where Sara and Magnus are both in the assignee field, i.e. not tasks individually assigned to Sara OR to Magnus. If I am looking and Sara’s assigned tasks and want to check out Magnus, I’d first toggle “Sara” OFF and “Magnus” ON. If I wanted to have a Quick-filter that shows tasks assigned to either Sara or Magnus, I’d create a new Quick filter with Task assignee is Sara OR Task assignee is Magnus, and use that
Quick-filter “My upcoming” ON can be a quick filter even though its made up of multiple conditions (e.g. using a group?)
Scope creep, but one of the most useful things you can do with quick filters in JIRA is with some JQL like currentUser() IN assignees. (Or whatever the syntax is, I’m glad to say it’s been a while!)
It’d be great if you could add a currentUser() equivalent for User filters more generally. It’s one of the few things we really miss from the more general JQL filter syntax. It’d help with per-person reports, personal task boards, etc.
(That and more flexible date options in filters and functions.)
Teaser from Quick Filters: It may seem that this is not related to quick filters, but we are doing it iteratively. First, we make it possible to disable existing filters and filter groups in the filter pop-up. The next step is to bring the filters to the Quick Filter Bar.
I’ve read the spec and this thread: it all looks great to me! Useful feature, good UX implementation, edge cases handled using sensible rules/defaults.
It’s awesome that you guys post your design specs. Thank you!
I know it’s late, but I have some feedback/a question:
I often need to input some base filters which are always on, and then add various quick filters. I can do that but I need to be able to do an AND/OR, at the moment I have to choose between them, which makes either my base filters or my quick filters useless. Is there anything I’m missing that makes this possible when using quick filters (when not, I can just do filter groups, but you can’t pin individual filters inside those)?
Also, it doesn’t seem possible to edit the quick filter like you have in your example ‘Acids’ filter by clicking the arrow now as there is no arrow. Is this intended?
Not sure of the exact details of your case, but in general, it is correct that you can only pin filter groups or filters at the ‘top level’.
Which does mean that they will be combined with either AND or OR logic, but not a combination.
The design was changed since the teaser was released
Regarding Quick Filters in Fibery, I’m finding them unintuitive compared to my experience with Notion. Specifically:
The main friction points I encounter are:
I’m unclear about how to effectively create and apply quick filters
The workflow feels more complex compared to Notion’s approach where I can easily save and reuse filters
I often abandon using quick filters due to the confusion, falling back to other methods
As an Ex-Notion user, I’d find it helpful if the quick filters experience could be more aligned with what I’m familiar with - particularly the straightforward process of creating, saving, and accessing filters.
Not sure if Fibery team already collected more feedback from users about the implemented feature. But this is my feedback.
Perhaps some things to consider:
Making the quick filter creation process more visible and intuitive
Adding clearer documentation or tooltips about how to use them effectively. Perhaps more examples of use cases so people start getting how tu use Fibery way.
Or, potentially adopting some of Notion’s familiar patterns for filter management?
I’ve thought of a possible solution which solves some use-cases, it just requires a bit of extra setup as a workaround to make sure the base filters are always on:
Create base filters (± AND group)
OR quick filter (AND group incl. base filters)
OR quick filter (AND group incl. base filters)
Repeat as necessary
This doesn’t solve cases where you want to mix OR and AND across quick filters, but my real need is building on top of base filters, which this does solve, albeit a little inelegantly.