Feb 15, 2024 / Expand pinned Fields (experimental), some fixed bugs and improvements

While we are working on some huge fancy things and less huge fancy things, this release is mostly about improvements and bug fixes.

:closed_umbrella: Expand pinned Fields (experimental)


Tiny pinned Fields only work well for people who visit certain kinds of cards often — others have to hover over each unit to see what Field it is.

Now every person can expand pinned Fields to see the Field names. The Fields will start expanded by default and we will remember if you collapse them (per user per Database).

Hint for Creators: consider removing the duplicate Fields from the right column:

This way, you can have a single-column layout for some Databases — wouldn’t that be awesome?

The functionality is rough around the edges, so it’s currently available as experimental. We’d be eager to hear your feedback.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • :heart_eyes: Table View: When single-clicking on a text/number cell (that is: selecting the cell itself, not double clicking your cursor into it) and then typing a number, the typed number will replace existing number (previously it appended text or number you typed).
  • First day of the week user setting works in Rule schedule now.
  • All integrations: Added Daily sync option to the integration sync interval.
  • GitLab integration: Subgroup members can be synchronised.
  • Slack: Automations supports Slack messages as a Reply now.

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Table View fixes:
    • Wrong rich text field is opened in panel if database has some rich texts and user opens them one by one for the same entity
    • ‘Button deleted…’ is displayed for recently created button unless page refreshing
    • It’s possible to create child entity in the table only on the second attempt in some cases
    • Icons are not visible in Dark theme
    • Navigating to entity with empty name switches cursor to right panel, Name input
    • First opening of entity from grid moves cursor to the right panel and additional click in needed to proceed navigation by arrows
  • :sweat_smile: Sidebar: Can’t move Folder into another Folder
  • Extra space should be added to the end of notification settings
  • Single select option value can not be cleared
  • Switcher / check-box should be selected on single click everywhere
  • List View: It’s impossible to drag and drop entity to ‘No parent DB’ line
  • Formula popup: Datetime range format overlaps the arrow in the Formula Type selector

Good to have a refinement release while we wait for fancy new things. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Hi guys,

I am really happy with the option to expand pinned fields. As a first feedback, when I try to collapse the fields, they automatically unfold again. See this example below



Really love this feature! :star_struck: Especially that nice to structure all the many fields that don’t need to have a view on the page. That didn’t looked well if you pinned to much of them and looks nice if you use the expand function.

I experience the same.

It would be awesome if you can so set a default for users. I have some databases where it’s never a good idea to expand since I often use formulas to hide fields when empty. That’s currently possible when you pin the field but those fields become visible when you expand them.

Also in some databases it would be great if the default is set to ‘always expand’. Because in those databases I now pinned 20 fields and that only looks great when you expand the fields.

Users that are new to Fibery or don’t often work in Fibery can get overwhelmed by all the pinned fields if they didn’t figured out how to expand it.

I miss one! Just found out that the (strange) Dutch date format (dd-mm-yyyy) is also available now! :partying_face: Thanks guys!


That’s my rule of thumb for half a year already! Also I hope it will be possible to disable this feature (expand pinned fields) in settings when it goes live…I’m 99% sure I won’t need it. I would rather teach, explain and adapt people than have in UI this element.

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I was with you until this line (emphasis mine) :smile: Basically we are now stepping back to Notion’s terrible page layout then? :stuck_out_tongue: As long as it remains optional I guess it’s fine, however I do find it annoying to have to collapse it for each DB, and not be able to control it as an admin. It feels like a step in the direction of “Entity Layouts”, but without enough control to actually make it consistently good. Now as an admin I need to be very mindful about what fields I pin since I can’t know if the users of my space(s) will suddenly see a long scroll and wonder where their Rich Text fields went (i.e. below the fold). Obviously one hopes that people are more savvy than that but… they often are not. And since it’s an on-hover discoverable option (the HR is a nice design element but not an obvious expand/collapse), it is not immediately obvious to many people that they can go one way or the other with it.

That’s my off-the-cuff hot take anyway. I love the idea of it, the possibility of it, but I want a little more control so that it can be “additive value” instead of “value that comes at a cost” (from my perspective). That said I know that every option added (e.g. a workspace-wide setting for default on or off collapse state, much less per-DB setting for default on/off collapse) is a drag on dev and maintenance time. I trust you will find the right approach in the end.


Extra feedback about the expand pinned fields while using it more.

  • The checkboxes are a bit confusing. Since the icon of the field also has a checkmark
  • It’s really hard to change the value of a pinned URL / email / phone number field after a value is set. Since the field is clickable.
  • Some of my field names have quite a lot characters. Those are not fully visible. There is a lot of space at the right side left so maybe make the first column a bit larger?
  • When you pin a lot of fields I do like that it looks compact. But I think the font size is a bit too small.


oh yes ! So much better. Thank you


I really like this new way of layouting fields.
Cause, currently I tend to use a lot more “small” fields (text, number, dates, …) for structured data than big fields (rich text, white board, …) for semi-structured data.
And this new layout allows to have these small fields upfront, where they are more accessibles, instead of big blocks like “description” or “notes” which are often optional in my use cases.

Also, I really like, the way one to many relations are display in “pinned” fields when you have few entities (like “contacts” for a company).

The next step would be to be able to arrange small fields, big fields and action button in a one or column layout… and have multiple layouts… and be able to choose the one to open from a table/kanban/calendar view … :heart_eyes:

But I hope it is what you call “huge fancy things”


Pinned fields section

I’m happy you worked on the pinned fields section - which has the most potential for contextual navigation improvement.


The dropdown is an improvement, although I would make the toggle functionality similar to any other field, which is at the left as arrow, which gives more consistency with the rest of the page fuctionality. Currently when expanding the pinned field section, the user needs to relocate the line in order to collapse it again, so I think its not so intuitive.

Improve contextual navigation experience

However, I like to underline the in my view more pressing need to redesign the pinned fields section, for the improvement of a contextual navigation experience, similar to a (sticky) persistent top menu navigation bar (often used to navigate to a parent entity which is central to contextual navigation), where it is easier to click on link instead of having to use the tiny arrows in the pinned fields. Here are some related topics about ease of contextual navigation:

Separate features

At some point in the past I indicated that the pinned field section is currently trying to accomodate two needs: as editable tags and as a top navigation replacement. I think these two functionalities need their own implementation, because otherwise it will stay a solution that does not satisfy neither of these needs completely.

We’ve adjusted an entity view to one page by using the new expand pinned fields option :partying_face:

Some possible improvements:

  • Remove the field icons to make it more clean
  • Make use of the screen width so that more information is on a single line

Then it looks like this:

Plus what I’ve mentioned before

Although wrapping the field name would be a better solution if I think twice :nerd_face:. Because some field names are really small, then a bigger first column can be a pain in the ass.

For the entity that I shared this is really needed. Because when a new user opens the screen, it’s not clear that it can be a real helpful and good looking page.

Instead they see this:

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Such a tiny, but huge quality improvement. Thank you! One issue, this doesn’t work when typing in a negative. Typing “-” acts like a double click but the negative sign is not recorded.




I like the new expanded pinned fields. Feels like the start of some good change! But a quick comment on the below quote:

The center-column is narrower without any right-column fields than when there are right-column fields. I would love to have a single-column layout, with the to-many views naturally in wide mode - but that’s currently impossible when the right column is empty. For a single-column layout, this creates a ton of white space on a large monitor.

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For the expanded pinned fields. Since there is so much white space, it would be amazing if to-one relationships were depicted in the same way mentions are, with the ability to show/edit additional fields on that entity. Since you can already edit to-many relationships inside an entity page, this would allow you to edit any relationship without leaving the page.


Both great ideas that are likely to find its way into the product, thanks!