Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details

I am getting this error within Fibery after putting in my API key from OpenAI and trying to use the AI feature.

You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

I have a paid OpenAI plan and have not been able to run any queries using my secret key from OpenAI.

Does anyone have suggestions on what I could try next?

First place I would check is your OpenAI account to make sure you haven’t gone over your quota.

Thanks. Thats where I started and purchased a ChatGPT subscription. That is different from the platform subscription however and didn’t solve my problem. If you have been a ChatGPT user the initial free trial that they give you on the platform API’s will expire. Thats what happened to me. I signed up for a platform subscription and the issue went away.


Ahh yes – I remember seeing a 3 month trial on the chatgpt page when I signed up with like a $5 balance.