Entity Templates - some ideas

Just to keep providing some examples of how this could work, Notion Templates are very useful for a ton of stuff I do in Fibery. What’s more, In Fibery you can use Highlights to link to other Entities, which in some cases allows for lessening of “Proliferation of Fields” which the Notion templates can’t solve.

Here is a great Meeting Note one from Notion:

In Fibery, if I could just start a Meeting with a Template like that in a click of a button, I then have a leg up on Notion with being able to write the notes with #references and all of those get the notes transcluded for all intents and purposes, terrific!

But what I’m missing now is the actual Template. Without this, I have to take a prior Meeting, Paste the content, but delete the actual content I wrote under the Template Headings, and start afresh.

So I feel like the big piece of Highlights is good to go in Fibery, but we are missing the “little” piece of being able to access Entity Templates. No other tool has Highlights, a real feat by the Fibery team. But just about any other tool I’ve looked at has Templates.

The only workaround I can think of is to have a dummy “empty” Meeting Entity that I would duplicate with a button everytime I want to start a Meeting. But that brings up the point of where does this entity live? I’d prefer it doesn’t take up one of my ID’s in the Meeting Type, and this just doesn’t seem like a clean approach.

This is just one example of how Templates would help. Really hope to see this feature soon!