[DONE] Convert Entity to another Type

Hey guys, @mdubakov sorry to bother you but I wanted to bump this up again. Very curious about your thoughts here. I know this might involve some mapping that needs to happen because types have different fields, etc. But I am seeing this need a lot now as my team gets active in Fibery.

One situation is we have things that go in as a “Project” and it turns out they are really “Tasks” and need to be changed, but a lot of work has already gone into building the entity.

One idea here would be to “convert” the entity to another type, and then popping up a modal that would allow the user to select which fields map over. If you could in fact tie the two together via automation, you’d have a very powerful feature I’ve also requested:

This is great for something like Idea or Feature Request tracking. The original entity can have its state tied to the “created” entity. So for example with the Feature Request:

  • You have a Feature Request entity, with notes and related entities for customer feedback

  • You click “promote to another entity.” You have a modal in which you can copy over the data you need from the original “Feature Request”

  • via a relation controlled by automation, you can then leave the “Feature Request” in a state of “promoted,” but not close it until the new entity, the “feature” itself, is “done”

  • you could then track multiple feature requests and see how far along they are from the time of when you “promote” them to features that you’re working on.

Thanks guys and really grateful for any insight you can provide, even if you don’t plan to allow moving Entities to different Types.

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