Multiple select or bulk editing

I would also like to support this request. In addition, per @hannukle your comment, one other bulk action I’m really finding myself needing is being able to move an Entity to a different type - for example if something went in Fibery as a task, but it’s really a Project.

I talked about that here:

If you think about the structure of Fibery, and one of the things that makes it great, it’s that Entities are each a “type” of their own. In most other work management apps, you’ll have a notion of a “task” entity. Then, if you want to use the task as a “customer,” or “asset” like piece of equipment or blog post, you have to “tag” that task to give that attribute. In Fibery, you can just create a “type” right off and build it out as your need requires. That’s great.

However, I really think you need to be able to change the Type as during the flow of using Fibery at scale, this need can happen a lot. In the other Work Management apps that use “tasks,” you can easily just swap out tags at will. But in Fibery, without being able to change “Type,” I am finding a pretty big restriction in daily operations without having this capability.

Thanks guys!