I agree with this. I also think I don’t want full automatic auto-collapsing views. Sometimes I want to keep two spaces / locations open.
Maybe an option to “sticky” the Space to stay expanded, that can be assisted with a keyboard shortcut?
Like alt+click to toggle “stickyness” (and an indication of “stickyness” on the Space icon). Then I could control how many Spaces I want to keep open, and change it during a session or whenever I feel like it.
Like, the Spaces that I have “stickied”, they retain their expanded state even if I toggle other Spaces (and I can “unsticky” them, if I want), while all “non-sticky” Spaces that are expanded, gets auto-collapse if I expand another Space? Or some variation of that.
Agree there is probably better long-term solutions out there. But currently all important navigation (views/docs) are available in the sidebar, it feels like fundamentally changing to a “horizontal model” would be quite a thing.
On the flip side of the problem (it’s real) of navigating a large left sidebar, I think it’s kind of nice and simple, to know that I have all the important navigation entry points available in the sidebar, today.
But, I also think that as long as the main “topic” of a view is unchanged (maybe not enforced, but as a best practice), some more horizontal views (like tabbed interfaces) like they have in Notion and Clickup, or just quick filters, to avoid extra some views (like Jira) would be good.
I think is a good idea. I have often wanted that. If combined with a feature like sticky mode for Spaces, I would expect to collapse the sticky Spaces, but not remove the “stickyness” (if I open them again).
In any case, today my left sidebar gets cluttered like real quick and, then it’s “welcome to scroll hell”. More so if i have nested documents (like wiki pages). At the same time, nested wiki in left sidebar is kind of nice. I’m so conflicted