December 29, 2022 / SOC 2 Type II compliance, [This ...] in Formulas

:lock: SOC 2 Type II certification

Last week, our company achieved a major milestone: the SOC 2 Type II certification.

This isn’t just any old certification you can buy off the internet for $9.99 (although we did consider it after 7 months in the process). No, this is the real deal - a rigorous audit of our controls and processes to ensure the security and privacy of our customers’ data.

So raise a glass (or a coffee mug, if it’s early) and join us in celebrating this achievement. Contact us via to request a copy of our most recent report.


:point_right: [This …] in Formulas

Now you can use the current Entity’s Field values within the .Filter(…) Formula function. For example, link Public Holidays to a Vacation to calculate the number of working days:

Employee.Location.[Public Holidays].Filter([This Vacation].Dates.Start() <= Date and [This Vacation].Dates.End() >= Date)

(note the [This Vacation] syntax)

This might look like a minor addition to Formulas but, in fact, this is a huge game-changer for advanced scenarios. Some of the use cases have previously required complex workaround with multiple Rules or auto-linking relations (Set relations automatically). Other scenarios have not been feasible altogether.

Here’s another example inspired by our customers. Find a Feature that the Team should be doing instead of the current one:

Team.Features.Filter([Public Id] != [This Feature].[Public Id] and RICE > [This Feature].RICE).Sort(Rice).Last()

And another one for good measure. Indicate if there is a dependency with a due date past the current Task’s due date:

[Depends On].Filter(State.Final = false and [Due Date] > [This Task].[Due Date]).Count() > 0

:butterfly: Minor Improvements

  • Search by Database description, not just name
  • Add new Entities via + Button in the relation View toolbar

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Duplicated view don’t get selected in the left menu
  • Cannot navigate to a related Entity in Entity History using alt+click
  • There is no way to add a new Entity to the relation Feed View
  • Duplicated entity appears in the relation Feed View only after page refresh
  • Search should not look for description tags
  • ‘Undefined’ in title for recurring, not all day events if they have no title
  • Rename from left menu doesn’t work

SOC II is here! This corporate boi is very happy.

1 Like

Hi, wondering why SOC 2 and not ISO 27001? thanks

Hm, SOC 2 was requested much more often by larger leads.


Thank you Fibery team. I don’t understand half of it but the SOC 2 compliance really is the thing to make our customers’ InfoSec and Privacy teams go away.