This is the last release of the year . 2024 was a very productive year for our development team, and I think we’ve reached our productivity plateau with 450 features released. There are 52 weeks in 2024 and we shipped 51 releases. I hope you like Thursdays as we do. It is sometimes stressful, but it’s also very rewarding to bring more value and make Fibery better every week.
Note that you can still add, edit and delete entities on locked Views, but it can be handy to lock them to prevent configurational changes (database, fields, filters, etc).
Quick filter items in Sidebar
Use icon on top of all Spaces to find Spaces, Views, Documents, Folders and Smart Folders in the sidebar. Just type 2+ letters and the sidebar will only show relevant items.
Content of Favorites sections will not be found as well, but we will add it soon.
→ Faster Search
Search should work faster for you now. Here is the search requests 50% percentile charts that shows 1-1.5 seconds in the past and 0.5 seconds after performance improvements. It means that in most cases search works at least 2x faster. Requests above 4 seconds are very rare now, but were quite common before.
Email integration. Now you can mark “Do not cleanup emails from tables and other formatting” checkbox in email setup and email original formatting will be preserved. Note that it may look really uggly in some cases.
Billing settings page is prettier now and includes a full pricing plans comparison table.
Fixed Bugs
The border radius is changing if I resize the shape
Pan mode doesn’t work with mouse buttons within Select and Pen tools
Collaboration cursor is visible even when browser tab is not in focus
Dark Theme: options in font and size selectors are hardly visible
Whiteboard Map is broken in Firefox and Safari
Entity View: Wrong title for Date unit visualization and missing icon
Sidebar: Database is not singularized in “Mirror to every…” action for context Views
Rich text:
Incorrect Formatting on Pasting Text with Newline Symbol
Wrong font size for embed views
Restore: restoring the same item twice throws “No Permissions” error
This is quite the summary and I have certainly felt like product improvements have been faster this year as well! I’d amazing to see the data to prove it.
When the December summary is posted, it’d be cool to see the total “points” for features released for 2024 too.
Search is NOTICEABLY faster this morning – amazing!
This is the type of thing that some of your competitors would’ve ignored for YEARS and that users would’ve just learned to ‘deal with’. Major props to addressing this! I’m sure it was an interesting engineering challenge as well
The number is not very precise, since score is slightly penalised with time for old feedback. But if we ignore it, we’ve delivered 5150 points in 2024.
Great release and a very productive year completed. Thank you for everything!
My take on a high level Fibery product strategy for 2025, two main opportunities:
Radical user adoption: Find ways to make Fibery viral. Facilitate a user culture where users interact inside and socially outside an organization with Fibery. This requires ways to make users share it, make it more fun, make it better work with in teams, better mobile access, and make scalability its primary focus.
AI workflows as spearpoint: Fibery has an ideal structure to create custom AI workflows in organizations. But it requires a better UI for such workflows. More about that here: Improving AI Workflow Tools in Fibery
Huge shoutout to the Fibery team for the amount of progress this year! Having tried a little programming myself this year, I have a huge appreciation for how much work must have gone into all of this. Also a special thanks to @Evgeni_Kisel , @Kseniya_Piotuh , @Polina_Zenevich , for helping answer all of my random questions! Fibery has some pretty top tier support!
Thanks @mdubakov and your WHOLE team for all the hard work in 2024! Fibery has moved ahead leaps and bounds in both functionality and improved user experience!
Wish you all a nice end-year break and a great 2025!