When in ‘day’ or ‘week’ view of the calendar, manually adjusting the start and end of date ranges isn’t possible. The pop-out box relied upon to input the information doesn’t ‘pop out’ and is therefore not usable.
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This issue is also found within entities.
For instance, let’s say I’m taking notes inside a meeting entity and want to create a new task while it’s being discussed. I’d like to quickly assign a date for it to be worked on. Can’t do it without opening up the new task, adding more clicks, complexity, and distraction.
Hi Jonathan.
Don’t worry, a fix is coming. I’ll ask you to check it in 20-ish minutes.
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The fix isn’t verified in all places but will be until normal release on Thursday. You may try it after page refresh.
Impressively quick response and fix–seems like it works. Thank you!
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