Custom integrations in templates cause errors

I’ve created a space with a custom integration that I have developed. The integration requires 2 fields, their api key for the external service and their company name. Everything works fine and I’m able to properly sync my data into Fibery.

Now I’ve shared this space as a template so that we can copy this structure and use it for other clients. I take the template URL, open it in another workspace and create the new space. Still all good.

When I click on the connection icon beside the database for the custome integration I see the following message:

Then, I click on one of the databases that are part of the integration and I see this message:

Refreshing the page just shows the same error message.

I’m not ever given an opportunity to reconnect with new credentials. Also, since I’m monitoring the api calls on my end that Fibery makes, I noticed that Fibery doesn’t even attempt to make a call to the /validate endpoint before the failure happens. I tried re-adding the custom integration, but it fails since this one with the same name already exists. I cannot even remove the custom integration because of the error messages.

Is it possible to share a space as a template that contains a custom integration which require authentication?

Currently, no (it’s a limitation that is unrelated to authentication).

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