CSV import wrong date

I tried changing the preference in Fibery but it didn’t help. My date format in the CSV is DD-MM-YYYY, but it imports as MM-DD-YYYY.

It imports correctly when there is also DD’s that are over 31, then it know which is the right way. Is there a way to indicate the date format I want it to import as?


I might be completely wrong about specific description, or misunderstand.

But afaik if you import as actual dateform or datatype that could have to do, i.e. be controlled by your user display settings:

settings ► preferences ► date format?
might also be related to a formatting bug or remainder in that sense.
→ does other order/format potentially fix your issue?

I have the exact same problem… please advice – this is a kind of a critical issue.

As Ron already tried I also have the date format in the user settings set to DD.MM.YYYY (exactly as it’s formatted in the CSV) but it still imports it as MM.DD.YYYY.

Just as a temporary solution: add a line with a date that is over 12 on the DD section of the date, (16.03.2024) then Fibery should understand which format is the right one format to import in. Then delete that entity after import. Lmk if it works for you.

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I have many lines with dates that are over 12 on the DD part, or do you mean if the first line has such a date then all the rest is imported correctly? Sorry I cannot try it immediately as I’ve already imported 20K+ entities and it would be a pain to redo everything (can’t bulk delete / import 20K+ entities), cleaning up manually for now.

Do you mean that some entities (those with over 12 in DD) were imported as you would like and others (those with 12 and under in DD) were imported wrongly?

I believe that was the case, but some entities had empty date fields so I could be wrong and it could be that ALL those with DD 12 and above were left empty and the others imported incorrectly.

Can confirm this worked for me (added the line as the first line to import)