Is there any update on this?
I find the inline/richtext “resolution-comments” rather useful even if they are currently only available for entities’ description:
However it would be nice to expose those separately, akin to displaying regular comment counts. Preferably with Open vs. Resolved states so we can streamline pending “Mini-Tasks” or information into top-level table views etc.
Exposing the last true modification date on per-“property” level would also be awesome. I run time-based, hourly automations rendering last global modification basically useless vs. true human interactions or modifications.
► This would further leverage sorting by genuine recent activity or leveraging more practical and statistical/performance “KPI”'s as well.
Currently I have to consider/test relating a separate, dedicated timebased db to avoid system-based modification-dates and I’m not even sure if it’s feasible. Any relation will probably update the parent/main as well. :F
► The inline-comments do not seem to globally count/trigger towards the regular “comment” column or datatype from my current tests either.
The number of comments, reso-comments, open-vs-resolved + entity/property-based modification dates would bring huge benefits even without using any sort of feeds/highlights, aggregations… right there in the actual main workdata or tables.
Without it to the user the “comment-number” is somewhat less indicative as it does not relate to activity/modification date nor to any pending/open inline-comment “minitasks” or to-be-read info. Especially when the comment numbers rise; They are usually a mix of doc/research/info AND genuine priority info or minitasks.
If this were implemented we could have separate, extra-columns or coloring/sorting for pending reso-comments or other sorts of modification-date based logic - so end-users know “oh, has some files, generic comments, but actually some open minitasks or read-info” - I should certainly look at those.
► Ideally the mini-tasks, i.e. reso-comments could be set to an AND vs OR option to a dict/list where each destined recipient has to “checkmark” to confirm reading, task-resolution etc. individually; Controlling if a reso-comment can be resolved by an individual, or has to be resolved by all mention-recipients. ► We also use reso-comments to announce/resolve new/interesting documentation entries etc. for example.