CHANGELOG: October 1 / Create Documents and Whiteboards inside entities, Automatically link entities based on rules

Ok thanks. Yes I understand Lookups and they are useful, but I’m trying to accomplish something else: My Clients have both Projects and Tasks associated, so I need both to relate directly with Clients:

Sometimes, we do a quick one-off task for a Client, like “raise an invoice”

In other cases, we’ll run a full project, which will have a bunch of tasks. But those Tasks should be related to the Client as well. So if I want to see a report of all my Tasks related to that Client, that are either part of a Project, or are one-off, I can do that. This is where the “inherited” aspect comes in.

Another example would be a Conversation with a Client. This Conversation is a child of the Client because I will have many such Conversations with him/her. During that conversation, several tasks may come up. So those are children to the Conversation. But they are also tasks of that Client. Without inheritance, I am going to have to go back and manually relate those tasks to the Client. Again, I don’t want a lookup here as I want the direct relation.

I will play around with this some more on my own, but what I’m missing right now is a good explanation of how this works. Of the most surprise to me is that when you use this field to create a relation, the resulting relation is read-only, just like what you are saying about Lookups. I don’t expect relations to be read-only.

Thanks again!