CHANGELOG: Oct 5 / Email Integration (IMAP), Bug fixes

Email Integration (IMAP)

Finally, Fibery followed Zawinski’s Law of Software Envelopment!

Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.

Fibery can fetch emails from any IMAP account. It’s handy for several cases. For example:

  1. you receive issues and feature requests to some email address and want to create Bugs or Features from incoming emails.
  2. you receive job positions applications and want to create new candidates or link emails to existing candidates.
  3. you receive service alerts to some email and want to log these alerts into Fibery as Incidents.


Check the email integration guide to discover more cases.


  • Timeline performance is improved

Fixed Bugs

  • Range end date is incorrectly converted to text and number
  • Whiteboard: Card doesn’t disappear from whiteboard if entity was deleted
  • Discourse, Intercom, Email: entities get uploaded with empty rich text after deletion and force sync
  • It’s impossible to use date range in auto-link rules
  • Single/Multi Select and Workflow may get deleted when Formula deleted
  • Date picker: typing “Nov 2” defaults to Nov 2, 2001

alright, worth posting for the first time just to say hurray at this!

Now I’m going to implement it right away, thanks!

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I get: “Data contains special symbols and can not be processed.” and sync stops.

Do you mean for Email integration?

Yes I configured email integration and it does not complete a single sync, it ends with that error.
I live in Italy we use accented chars àèìòùé

Mail integration does not work for me :frowning:

Same here, gmail doesn’t work… it won’t sync, only the force full sync does anything

Reach out to us via chat and we’ll try and help you figure out what’s going on.

Might it IMAP email integration doesn’t work if there is 2FA?