We are using fibery for a number of things and enjoying it greatly. The latest thing we have implemented is a ticketing system , with a contact alias connected via IMAP / POP3. The problem we have run into is new emails should reflect in the incoming database, but this requires our manual interaction, else there is 60 minutes between refresh. It looks like we may need to build some middleware to handle this, but it would be great if there was a built in way - or if others have tackled this issue and can share info.
Anyone successfully implemented email integration with refresh time <30 mins?
As Fibery starts to expand from being a mostly “one-way synced data viewer” to a “bi-directional synced data interaction system” (i.e. sending emails, etc.), it seems like at least some integrations will need to get the option for much more frequent sync. Email is a clear example, and perhaps in the future e.g. Intercom, Hubspot, etc. as well. The integrations might need to get smarter for this to work well as last I recall they do a full update of the remote data every time, at least for some integrations (i.e. not “just changed data”).
this would maybe also be something where a button-automation would come in handy. if that could trigger the sync. i like the manual sync, but everytime digging into the database settings page to initiate it is a bit many clicks
even better if one could place that button somewhere in the fixed menu up left.
Any workaround here? Hoping to sync emails into a “support ticket” type of system but would need 5-10 min syncing intervals at least as support requests can sometimes be very urgent.
Voting on this one, as it’s still a pain point for us – surprised to see the I was the first vote cast on this idea, so perhaps the rest of the folks here could throw a vote or two this way, we might get some more attention on this feature
The Fibery email sync is very handy for shared inbox management. For a support ticket system, an Automation Trigger: “Email received” would be a better fit as the automation would run as soon as the email arrives instead of having to wait for the sync interval.
This could be accomplished with Make or Zapier creating an email entity upon receiving an email.
As already mentioned in this forum, Make and Zapier can become quite expensive if run frequently. I will try to address this issue in the first release of the Fiberflow automation platform by having an “Email received” trigger.