CHANGELOG: May 26 / Undelete for all users, Documents and Entities sharing (🦐 beta), Action Buttons in all Views

Undelete for all users

Any user in Fibery can recover deleted entity now. Click on a workspace name in left menu and find Trash Bin :wastebasket: link. Undelete is easy (but not fast):

2021-05-26 17.48.27

Entity and Document sharing (beta)

If you are curious and fearless, you may try to share Documents and Entities already. Add this flag to Fibery URL ?enable-sharing and find Share icon in the top right corner in every document or entity:

Sharing is easy, just generate a link and send it to anyone:

2021-05-26 18.00.17

Try to share some entities or documents. We are eager to hear your feedback!

Action Buttons in Table, Board, Timeline and Calendar Views

Now you can execute custom Actions from many places, including batch execution in Table View. Whenever you see an entity, you may execute an action now. Check this short video that explains how it work:

90-days trial

We’ve changed Fibery trial from 14-days to 90-days.

:woman_in_lotus_position: Fibery is powerful and demands time to explore. 14 days is a short period and we expected that this deadline will help people to focus and evaluate Fibery with full attention.

However, a new tool is rarely a number 1 problem. In reality, a short trial made evaluation more complex, since you usually check several tools and just don’t have enough time to dig into details in two weeks. :running_woman:

So we decided that you need time to procrastinate, receive some reminders, get into Fibery again, and, finally, “get” (or abandon) it at your own pace. We feel that three months is a solid period to do it all. :surfing_woman:

It also resonates with our internal motto: “Try for free till you :heart: it”. We had philosophical troubles with a 14-days trial but still ran this experiment. Now you have more time to experiment and fall in love (or hate) with Fibery. :relieved:

90-days trial starts once you invite a second user into your workspace.

The personal plan is still free. :sunglasses:

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • “Home” and “End” buttons don’t work in some Dialog boxes
  • Search: Context docs & whiteboards do not appear in Search
  • Action buttons: items reloading when the tab gets active again

Loving the document and entity sharing but it seems to also then share related and referenced entities too.

Looks good so far! I’m personally really looking forward to shared views, but sharing entities is a good start. Some things I noticed:

I shared a meeting that references categories in our category tree like this:

If I’m viewing as an external user and click “Home Furniture”, you can open that entity view. Within it, you can see the children categories, where one happens to be Mattresses. All others show up as “No Access”.

It seems there are an infinite set of possible controls for how deep permissions go when sharing something like this. I’m curious how you are approaching this problem.

Additionally, I’m not sure if this is due to being in an incognito window, but I keep getting Real-time sync messages that repeat through multiple states over and over.


The State of a referenced entity seems to come through as Untitled for one of my types (Insight), but not my Tasks type. The only difference might be an explicit relationship between Meeting and Tasks.

For example in the Shared entity vs the logged in version:


One-level down is shared, we decided that this is what most people will want by default. We’ll collect feedback and add some settings, like don’t share referenced entities and collections, allow comment, etc.


Totally minor comment, but for batch actions, I would have used the word ‘Actions’ instead of ‘Buttons’ for the drop down menu button :slight_smile:

Yeah, we already changed that, “Buttons” is a strange term

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Sorry, hadn’t noticed :zipper_mouth_face:

How about whiteboards sharing?

This is what you really need when work with team that consists of technical (use Fibery) and non-technical specialists (don`t use Fibery)

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This is probably more complex than sharing an entity.
I’d love to see printing/PDF downloads and url sharing for whiteboards.