Great release Guys! Really appreciate the subtlety of the small “dots” that appear in the close lanes showing the number and type of entities that are contained within! Nice touch!
For the time being, I don’t have much need for the ‘Created by’, ‘Creation date’ and ‘Modification date’. Can I request a feature that allows us to hide these fields (across all apps), so that I can free up some screen real estate?
Got you. I suppose, that can be done via API already.
But anyway, ability to hide rarelyused fields is a pretty common request, thanks for the mention!
Failed to execute action. Reason: executeSingleCommand: Entity of ‘Testing/Test execution’ type in schema should have ‘fibery/modification-date’ field of ‘fibery/date-time’ type.
It seemed to work when I deleted fibery/created-by but not creation-date or modification-date.