It seems like you can’t resize entity objects in the Whiteboard view. I’m logging this as a UX bug as this is unexpected behavior for a whiteboard where all objects should be resizable (within limits).
Some example use cases are over here:
Maybe you could bundle an update together and all of a sudden Fibery will have the best digital whiteboard for working with structured data!
I second this. I have basically given up Whiteboard for now, this was a very big piece that was missing. I would really like to use Whiteboard to represent entities in Fibery, not for creating diagrams that do not have an equivalent in Fibery. I can see why you’d think this was a bug as it also was very surprising to see this feature missing when I was testing out Whiteboard initially.
Close to 4 years later, I don’t think this is done yet, right? At least, I couldn’t see a way.
Really frustrating that you can resize almost everything except for entity cards, since entities on a whiteboard are the primary reason to use whiteboards in Fibery over a robust tool like Miro!
It’s really no different to anyone wanting to make any text or shape bigger on a canvas. It helps with visual storytelling and hierarchy in ways that lines/arrows can’t.
We also do a lot of customer journey mapping, where there may be major, milestone steps that we want to represent as visually larger than other steps on the canvas, but each step is still an entity.
“Hub and spoke” style relationship visuals are very common thing for whiteboard/mind maps and often the “Hub” in the center is represented much larger than the “Spokes” that are related to it.
There’s been other cases where I wish I could visually display certain entity cards INSIDE of another entity and essentially use one entity card as the entire “section” that the others are grouped within, no different from using a box-shape element to visually group elements together.
Finally, I often want to show an entity as a “title/header” of an area of the canvas, but because box/font size can’t be changed, I have to just use the basic text element, manually type in the entity name, and then put the entity next to the title so I can quickly access it as link.