Automatic icon for every entity in a table

Hi there, can you tell me how to automatically add the same icon to all entities. I have a “tag” table and want every new tag I have to have the same tag icon. I can’t figure this out!

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Same, need sync icon for 1 database or add field icon in Set Rule

The ability to use a Formula to select an entity’s icon would be awesome :grinning:


Would this be possible using a script?

I want a ‘Page’ entity icon to inherit the icon set in the related ‘Page type’ entity.

When we reduce the amount of databases and use one Entity Type database instead, then it becomes hard for users to see immediately which entity type they are viewing, since the database badget at the top of an entity view stays the same. Automatic icon setting would solve this.

I currently us this script as workaround, but without the official Icon field, just a text field: Automatic Prefix/Emoji before Name when field changes

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Now you can do it