August 24, 2023 / 😌 New Inbox, Import custom emojis from Slack

New Inbox with tabs and actions :inbox_tray:

We’ve started notifications and inbox improvements, and here is the very first release with new Inbox. Now it works like a todo-list, so you can process notifications fast using keyboard shortcuts, move them to done, or even delete them to keep inbox clean.

2023-08-24 15.19.03

Check Inbox and Notifications user guide to learn what you can do here.

In the next releases we are going to improve notification settings, add filters to inbox, and solve other problems you reported during the last 3 years.

You will have all your existing notifications in Do Today tab after the release. To clean it up, click Actions and select Move all to Done action.

Make multi-DB Views more discoverable

Fibery is one of a handful of tools that can visualize several kinds of data on the same View. Previously, this has not been obvious from the selector (as we learned during some painful UX sessions), so we’ve tweaked it:

The new selector is featured on Boards, Feeds, and Reports.

Import custom emojis from Slack

We recently added custom emojis to Fibery to serve as icons for Views and Entities and to convey extra meaning in text.

But where do these custom emojis come from? Adding them one by one is tedious… so we are introducing import from Slack! Go to Settings → Customization and click Import from Slack to add your entire company culture to Fibery.

Ask user to create embeds when link is pasted into rich edit field

Embeds are not easily found, so people may not be aware that we have them. Now, when you paste a link in Fibery, it suggests creating an embed instead.

:butterfly: Improvements

  • Grid View: you can export Grid View into CSV now
  • GraphQL API: Location field can be retrieved and updated
  • GraphQL API: You can use formulas in queries.
  • GraphQL API: Now you can retrieve list of files and avatars

:shrimp: Fixed Bugs

  • Grid View: It’s impossible to browse entities or add new ones when there is no Name column in Grid
  • Grid View: Item gets reordered when it should not
  • Wrong behaviour in Sort pop-up when sorting by common date range field is added
  • Empty context menu for a table inserted into a comment
  • Fix UI issues for Embed buttons in the top of rich text & in columns
  • Unable to use batch actions menu for embed table view
  • Can’t use emoji and embed in empty comments - after selection any of these options comment gets submitted
  • Left menu: space color highlighting disappears on mouse hover

Awesome release! New inbox looks great :heart_eyes:

Glad that we can add new items now! :tada: It do looks a bit odd when name column is hided because of all the blank space.

(columns “first name” / “last name” → name column = formula first name + last name)

Can imagine that it’s a UI/UX challenge. Are there plans to change/optimize this?

For me it feels intuitive to click on the database icon/badge to open the entity but I’m not an expert :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the db icon is used to expand/collapse rows in the hierarchical grid setup.

This empty space also disturbs me, so please consider this release as another step toward the perfect solution.

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Great, thanks for the fast reply!

For what’s worth it: I really like Notion’s solution.

  • ‘Open’ always visible in the first column
  • Wrap text when columns are narrow

Because we use context views a lot, wrapping text would have huge benefits when you don’t have a lot space and you so have lots of data.

But I’m sure I don’t need to convince you guys about the benefits :sweat_smile:

Really hoping that the new grid view makes it technically possible :smile:

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This little thing would make me soooo happy :joy_cat:
But then we might also need a way to toggle it on or off for every column in a View :wink:


Great update! Thanks for your transparency, hard work, humor, and continuous development! :blush:

I like the new inbox. Good timing, useful for my current assignment. Cool! :facepunch:

And the custom emojis are VERY nice (and I expect people will want to export it from Slack, I have worked for a team where they used Slack including the custom emojis so I can confirm that company culture thing). And also useful for a personal project. Am making my own productivity center and as someone with who is a bit of a professional daydreamer I can use the external structure yet customize it, and I like to do that with some icons that fit (and you can use animated gifs too, my workspace will be wild :partying_face::sweat_smile: - at least in some corners). You know when something is pretty and personalized it’s generally more likely to be used, sometimes you need to seduce yourself in sticking to structures :smile: So thanks for helping with that.

About the Embeds: cool! I see you can only Embed a ‘live’ version of some sites, not all using iframely. Will more sites be available in the future?Or is there a way to add sites to iframely?


That would be awesome. But in the meantime: when you only do it in the first column for now, you will already solve tons of use cases. And you will not have the empty space (like in my screenshot above).


Nice inbox addition, thanks.

Our short-term goal is to entirely match the current Table View functionality and replace the view with the Grid View. Then we will focus on the improvements users (it means you all :slightly_smiling_face:) request.


Loving the new inbox UX, however it feels like - at present - there is quite a bit of redundancy with STATE, especially for notifications about things I’m assigned to.

If - for instance - I’m assigned to (whatever’s my org’s version of) a task, I receive a notification (good!). However, if I don’t look at the notification and complete the task anyways, moving its state to COMPLETE, I still have a notification that I ALSO have to move to complete (bad :frowning:)

Is there any feature on the roadmap that will make notifications behave intuitively with state (or - alternatively, a way to adjust notifications via automation?)


Would it be possible to add paragraph support to the inbox/notifications? It’s super helpful for notifying Users about data validation/error checking/deduplication rules, but it gets pretty hard to read after a couple lines without markdown formatting or paragraphs/indentation.


We will try to fix it