AND / OR Filters

Please implement AND / OR filter conditions. Now it all conditions All (AND) or ANY (OR). Example what I struggle with to have in one view

  • Have in the same list two sprints for 1 of the team (e.g. current and future) - impossible, as Sprints do not overlap.

We have “is any of” filter, is it not enough in this case?

Not really:

  1. In Sprint 1 you have set of features (A) e.g. 10 assigned to Team Y. Total 100 for all teams.
  2. In Sprint 2 you have another set of features (B) e.g. 15 assigned to Team Y. Total 100 for all teams
  3. Sprint 1 and Sprint 2 features overlap (3) for Team Y
  4. Team Y has let’s say 500 features in the backlog. There are let’s say 10 teams (not really relevant)

What will happen when you have filter configuration:

  1. ALL: Sprint = 1; Sprint = 2; Team Y: Only overlapped A / B / Team Z = sub-set of features in both sprint 1 and 2 for the team = 3 features
  2. Is any of: Sprint = 1; Sprint = 2; Team Y: All features in Sprint 1 (all teams, 100) + all features in Sprint 2 (all teams, 100) + all features in Team Y is the result of this query (500).

@mdubakov Just realized what you meant! Can be solved this way, yes :slight_smile: