AI prompt to summarize the names of multiple tasks in a collection?

I’ve reviewed all of the AI documentation and done some community searches but still coming up short in being able to generate a summary (essentially release notes) of the work a team is including in a sprint.

Here’s the prompt I’m using, but I keep getting a “I’m sorry, I cannot generate a story without any specific details or prompts.” result.

[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000]
{{AI prompt.Write a client-friendly, point form summary of all the tasks linked to this iteration.}}

I’m sure it’s a flaw in my markdown. Could anyone help nudge me in the right direction?

Structure is Release → Iteration → Tasks → Subtasks

I believe the prompt is not correct, please try something like this

Thanks @mdubakov, but still didn’t seem to work.

[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000 model=gpt-4]
Write a point form summary of the following tasks that were complete in this iteration.

gives me the following fibery error in a popup:

  1. Failed to execute Action “Overwrite Iteration Summary”: Query with permissions does not support collection field expression ended with secured field. Use sub query expression, please.
[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000 model=gpt-4]
Write a point form summary of the following tasks that were complete in this iteration.

gives me a different error popup:

  1. Failed to execute Action “Overwrite Iteration Summary”: Invalid field expression, field: Clients/Tasks field is not primitive.
[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000 model=gpt-4]
Write a point form summary of the following tasks that were complete in this iteration.


[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000 model=gpt-4]
Write a point form summary of the following tasks that were complete in this iteration.

Run successfully (no error pop ups) but it doesn’t see the content I’m trying to provide and spits out the result: “The text for summarizing is not provided. Please provide the relevant details for the task completion.”

If you’re running this automation in the Iterations db, then Tasks is a collection, so I imagine something like the following should not give an error:

[ai temperature=0.5 maxTokens=4000 model=gpt-4]
Write a point form summary of the following tasks that were complete in this iteration.

{=Tasks:Name=} will be replaced with a comma-separate list of Tasks.

See here for how markdown works in Fibery.

However, I don’t know if the result will be what you are hoping for. You will be asking the AI to summarise the Tasks based on just a list of their names. I don’t think you can expect much apart from maybe hallucinations from GPT.

Perfect, that worked @Chr1sG . You’re right that it doesn’t do anything too fancy, but it’s a start.

Now that I can at least get something to be generated, I can play with the prompt to get the most value from it.