I was asked by a coworker this week how to create a “report” on all the work done on a certain project. All they really wanted was a summarized list of all the Releases and Tasks in a text-based format.
I was surprised that there doesn’t seem to be any easy way to do this without manually expanding every single release so all the tasks could be seen, manually selecting each entity on each level and then copying with CTRL-C to the clipboard. Plus, even then, it’s just all one big multi-line blob of text with no list formatting or other way to know the level hierarchy that is displayed in the original view.
In list and table views with multiple levels, I’d like to be able to quickly get a properly formatted unordered list of all the entities that I can easily paste into an email or slack message or rich-text field.
In the examples below, if I copied “90 Min Presentation” to my clipboard…
I would want fibery to output the the following to my clipboard:
90 Minute Presentation
- Release 1.0
- Iteration 1
- Iteration 2
or something like this
90 Minute Presentation
– Release 1.0
— Iteration 1
— Iteration 2
whereas it currently exports the only the first level:
90 Minute Presentation
and if I expand and select the all the entities manually, it exports everything with no hierarchy :
90 Minute Presentation
Release 1.0
Iteration 1
Iteration 2