I work for a holding company with many subsidiaries and multiple development teams, some of which work across subsidiaries, and some don’t. I am setting up a project/task management space where I have a Companies, Projects, and Tasks databases and I’d like PMs to assign developers to projects. I’d like developers to be able to create tasks only in projects they’re assigned to, edit and delete any tasks they’re assigned to, and view and comment on any tasks within project’s they’re assigned to.
Only way I’ve found to accomplish something close to this is allowing all developers Contributor access to the Tasks database, but that allows developers to see and comment on all tasks across projects. I think this would be solved by adding the Contributor permission to custom access templates. Please let me know if there is another way to accomplish this though!
The simple answer to this is that custom access templates are applied for a user for a specific entity, so it is actually meaningless to include ‘create’ as a capability in a custom access template.
The ability to create is a capability at the db level, and we are working on improvements to db level access that will almost certainly solve your need.
Wonderful! That makes sense. Is there anything in the road map where I can keep track of progress on this development? If Fibery works within my team, we will likely roll it out across different development teams within the company, and permissions is currently my biggest hangup (better than Notion though!!).
Actually, as I finally got around to another round of cleanups in our Fibery setup, I wanted to give access templates a go mainly, because I want to restrict certain roles from creating entities and only allow them to contribute (edit) existing entities. I have some folks that like to create more than they should and so things grow.
Simple example would be allowing my developers to contribute and refine to UI design specs, but not create new screens or components.
Ideally I’d want to set that on a space and/or database level. I’m not sure if that is at odds based on this: . | Fibery
Thanks, would be helpful to add that explanation in the tooltip and here: . | Fibery
Ooof, that sounds rather complex to roll out across all the entities and spaces.
Do you think there will be improvements coming to the product and I should just hold my breath or bite the bullet and try to set all that up now? I am a little reluctant adding more layers of complexity…