Add a default time to DateTime fields

Similar to other requests for adding defaults to base field types, I am wondering if it would be possible to add a parameter in field settings to allow setting a default time. Currently, when you set the date component, it defaults to 12:00 am:


I am wondering if that can be set to be a different time based on user preference. I know that time is a tricky thing because of timezones and you may not want to allow users to define a default time based on a particular timezone, but even being able to say all tasks have a default due time of EOD which is 5:00 pm (at the users local time) is more useful than assuming midnight local time.

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This would be helpful for us because of some of the automated notifications we have set up. We have an automation notifying users for entities with a due date of “Today”, and the automation runs at 9:00 am. I would expect that to include the 12:00 am tasks (9 hours before the automation runs). In other words, October 8 12:00 am is the same day as October 8 9:00 am. However, I find that the entities with a 12:00 am date are actually accounted for the prior day. So the notification sent on October 7 9:00am includes entities with a due date of October 8 12:00 am.

When our people set a due date but don’t specify time, they always mean that it is due by the end of the day.

Thank you both for the ideas!
I’m afraid we don’t have such improvements in the nearest future plans, but saved them for the future :muscle:

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