Ability to hide report elements (title, header, filter, etc.)

Hi! Very lacking the ability to hide elements of the graph.
If it is embedded in a document, I need only the chart itself. Reasons:

  • much better look, cleaner, without unnecessary elements
  • i can write the name in the document itself
  • configuration, update, etc. can be shown only when hovering over it.

This is what it looks like now:

I’d like to see a clean chart:

Thank you!

Hey @Mikhail ! Seems like a small thing :wink:

But, having thought about it a bit more, I am with you that things like this are indeed important. We are all flooded with information right? Would be nice if we don’t get unnecessary info. Thát is one of the reasons to choose an organizational tool like Fibery, to get a sense of overview.

One of the reasons I like Fibery is that it can replace many other tools, and like no other tool create this sense of overview, without having to program that tool yourself. You just build what you need and Fibery adjusts to your processes!

However, Fibery is in continuous development so that as time progresses we get more and more ways to attune Fibery to our needs more accurately and harmoniously. There is about one amazing update per week, and the devs are really listening.



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true. :disappointed_relieved:

Let’s hope it’s not that difficult to implement.