Wrong sort option in the field value selection

Hi guys, seems like you have a strange logic for sorting fields. We have a field “Marketing sprint” with values like Sprint 1, Sprint 2, etc. To see the latest sprint at the top, we’ve set a desc sort option. But the system doesn’t sort it in the correct way. Please see attached.

When you are sorting the name, it is a sort being carried out on a text string, so if the string contains numbers, they will not be sorted in a way you might expect.
When it comes to strings that contain numbers, ‘23’ comes before ‘3’.

You might want to consider sorting on another field, e.g. creation date

I understand the logic and expected a similar response from you, but it’s good to have a bit of ‘human’ touch in cases like this. I don’t think we’re the only ones who feel this way.

I’m not sure what you mean by this.
Do you think that Fibery should override the sorting logic for text strings?

That’s a fun article. :slightly_smiling_face:

As someone who’s been fairly deep in computers almost my whole life, the ASCIIbetical sort order isn’t that disruptive. Perhaps just a slight inconvenience (if I really cared, I would add zeros as place fillers for tens and hundreds digits). But I can see how most users today would be thrown off by it. And I agree with the idea that, from a UX perspective, natural sort order is simply better for any non-programming task. IMO, natural sort order should be the default, especially since it is the default in most other areas in a user’s life.

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