Web Clipper - Desktop Browsers, all ideally

I was searching for data parser/extraction extensions for 4h yesterday and reviewed maybe 20-30 items and wasn’t satisfied so got back to this new Fibery extension. Please consider my feedback (the reasons why I searched for substitute):

Context: I’m using Hiring App and would love to use extension to send Candidates from web page to Fibery.


  1. I can see “Description” field and my Candidate doesn’t have this field. Actually I wanted CV field to be filled with data from webpage instead of Description but ok, after adding Description field in Fibery it’s not working with extension.

Feature Requests:

  1. I’d like to see in extensions all fields of my entity after choosing it from the list. Ie when I choose Candidate I would like to see email, phone, linkedin, position, etc field so I can fill in right inside the extension pop-up.
  2. Ideally to be able to upload CV-file.
  3. Ideally to be able to provide regexp for each field to automate routine copy-paste work! :slight_smile:
  4. Super-ideally to have site-dependent set of regexp rules, so I can parse/import Candidate data across multiple different job sites.

Many thanks for consideration!